Brand Identity
Idea of this project
"VIEW MORE" is an IT consulting & services company, which produces VDI with GPU, stadia like, green IT(innovation reduced energy consumption both at the office and at home), capex replacement (a world where greener ITdrives excellence and innovation). Outsourcing, monitoring assessment and helpdesk services, consultancyincident management / response ITIL based, security checks and awareness services.
Brand mission:The brand's mission is to make the work of customers easier by offering personalized premium services.Stability, flexibility, customized experience.
Organizational values: Vision Ingenuity Wordly Original Resourcefulness Masterclass.
When we created the logo, we were inspired by IT and program code. The task was to display the abbreviation VMin the main element of the logo. The main element of the logo was the abbreviation VM, which I collectedfrom the / element of the program code. In the directions of the data / we show rays of light that helps us seemore than usual.
The logo is dynamic, with a masculine character, in the spirit of IT.In the font part of the logo, the letters v, w, m are very well combined.We see all horizons.
Slogan: Expand your horizons!

YEAR: 2022
CLIENT: View More
LOCATION: Romania, Bucharest
The Best Brand Awards 9th 2023 (RUNNER UP)
Wolda 14th (Worldwide Logo Design Award) 2023 (BRONZE AWARD)